If you're tired of dating your dad (figuratively speaking) or feel like you're caught in the same relationship patterns over and over again, this article is for you. We’re diving into why the subconscious mind keeps us looping in the same cycles, choosing partners that make us want to say, "Oh no, not again." And more importantly, how to finally break free from these patterns and find the kind of relationship that truly nourishes you.
Have you ever met somebody and thought they were perfect only to find out months into the relationship that there were important red flags that you missed? I remember hearing a great saying: sometimes when you are wearing rose-colored glasses, the red flags just look like flags. Let's talk about why we miss those red flags and why we attract the people we do.
We often think that when it comes to love, our choices are conscious and intentional. But in reality, much of what happens in our romantic lives is heavily influenced by our subconscious mind. Below are four major ways your subconscious could be impacting your love life:
1. Attractor Magnet: Why We Choose Familiar Patterns
The first way your subconscious influences your relationships is by creating what I like to call an 'attractor magnet.' Our parents are our first experience of love, and the way we received love from them creates a kind of subconscious blueprint. For example, if your dad was distant or emotionally unavailable, you might find yourself drawn to partners with the same qualities—almost like your subconscious is saying, "This is what love feels like." This attractor magnet means that you may be repeatedly choosing partners who have the same difficult qualities that your parents had, even if it's not what you consciously want.
You could walk into a room full of people, including some who might be perfect for you, but find yourself completely uninterested in them. You find them "boring" or see them only as friend materal or , quite simply, they just don't make your socks roll up and down, despite being perfect on paper. Instead, you're automatically drawn to someone who fits that old subconscious imprint. This is why the patterns repeat.
2. Unfinished Business: Attracting Partners to Resolve Old Issues
The subconscious is always seeking resolution. There’s a theory that says we tend to attract partners who resemble the parent with whom we have the most unresolved emotional business. If you had a strained relationship with a parent, your subconscious might attract a similar dynamic in your intimate realtionship as a way of trying to resolve those old feelings. This is why you might end up with a partner that frustrates or disappoints you in ways that feel oddly familiar.
For example, if your mother was overly critical, you might subconsciously choose partners who also criticize you, because your subconscious is hoping to "fix" this dynamic and finally get the acceptance you longed for as a child.
3. Cognitive Filtering: We See What We Expect to See
Cognitive filtering is another powerful way that the subconscious shapes our relationships. Simply put, we notice what we expect to see. The world around us contains endless information, and our brains have to filter this so we don’t get overwhelmed. This filtering process is influenced by our subconscious beliefs.
If you believe that all men are emotionally unavailable, for example, your subconscious mind will literally filter out men who are emotionally healthy and available. Or worse, you might assume that a good man is pretending, just waiting to reveal his true colors. This mental filtering keeps us in the same relationship loops, unable to break free and find someone truly different.
4. Our Feelings About Ourselves: Beliefs That Block Healthy Love
The fourth way our subconscious impacts relationships is through the beliefs we hold about ourselves. If you believe that you’re unworthy of love, not lovable, or unsafe in relationships, these beliefs will directly impact the kind of people you attract—or whether you attract anyone at all.
The subconscious works by association, and if there’s a negative belief or experience associated with relationships, your subconscious will try to "protect" you from getting into one.
For example, if you grew up watching unhealthy relationships, experienced hurt in your own love life, or have seen friends go through difficult breakups, these experiences could create a negative association with love in your subconscious mind. Even if you consciously want a relationship, your subconscious may have decided that love is something to be avoided—leading you to sabotage potential connections or to not be attracted to healthy partners.
How Hypnosis Can Help
The good news is that your subconscious can be reprogrammed. Hypnotherapy works by directly accessing the subconscious mind and updating the programming that's keeping you stuck. Whether it’s changing your attractor magnet, resolving old emotional business, or updating the beliefs you hold about yourself, hypnosis can help you stop repeating those old patterns.
In hypnosis, we can work together to reshape your subconscious attractor magnet, helping you consciously choose what you want in a partner—rather than being led by old patterns. We can also create imagined scenarios that help resolve any unresolved issues with your parents so that you no longer need to replay those dynamics in your love life.
Ready to Attract the Right Partner? If you’re ready to finally break free from these subconscious patterns and find the kind of relationship you really want, hypnotherapy can help. I offer a free consultation to help you understand how hypnosis works and whether it’s right for you.
Or, if you’re interested in learning these skills yourself, I invite you to test drive the first two units of my hypnotherapy training course for free. You can learn how to help others shift their subconscious patterns and create deep, lasting change in their lives.