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How to Recognize When You Have a Subconscious Block

In our attempts to reach personal goals, we often think it’s just a matter of hard work, determination, and time. But what if the answer lies somewhere deeper? Enter the subconscious mind—an unseen force that drives about 90 to 95% of our behaviors, emotions, and beliefs. When we encounter an obstacle that we can’t seem to overcome, no matter how much we try, a subconscious block may be the real issue.

Here’s how it works: your subconscious stores all your beliefs, memories, and associations, forming the blueprint for how you experience life. If you’re feeling stuck in an area—whether it’s health, finances, relationships, or career—a subconscious block could be the culprit. This article will guide you through identifying signs of these blocks so that you can better understand what might be holding you back.

Do You Have a Subconscious Block?

Start by taking a close look at the different areas of your life. Ask yourself the following questions

1. Finances:

  • Are you constantly worried about money, finding it difficult to get ahead?

  • Despite working hard, do you feel like you’re always on a tight budget?

  • Do you have recurring negative feelings about wealth, like fear or guilt?

  • Do you feel unsafe “putting yourself out there” in your work or business?

  • Do you procrastinate or forget to do work related tasks that could move you ahead financially?

2. Relationships:

  • Do you feel truly seen, heard, and appreciated by the people close to you?

  • Do you find yourself holding back or pretending to be someone else around others?

  • Are you lonely, even when surrounded by people, or do you feel like your relationships are unfulfilling?

  • Do you have enough connection in your life? Are the connections you have close and meaningful ones?

3. Health:

  • Are you happy with your physical health, energy levels, and relationship with your body?

  • Do you feel motivated to take care of yourself, or do you struggle with self-criticism or neglect?

  • Do you criticize or loathe your body?

  • Do you ”forget” or procrastinate working out or taking care of your health?

4. Work and Career:

  • Are you satisfied and fulfilled with what you do for a living?

  • Do you feel stuck in a job that doesn’t align with your skills or passions?

  • Is fear of instability or the “safety net” keeping you from pursuing a career change?

  • Do you feel limited in your options? Unable to move forward?

When you notice recurring struggles in any of these areas despite putting in genuine effort, there may be something deeper at play—a subconscious block tied to an experience or belief that’s holding you back.

Spotting Patterns and Clues

Sometimes, subconscious blocks show up in mysterious ways, like procrastination, uncharacteristic forgetfulness, or even physical symptoms. I once worked with a client pursuing her PhD. She had every intention of completing her dissertation, yet she procrastinated and rationalized the delays as “research time.” One morning, she even forgot how to turn on her computer! This strange experience made her wonder if something else was going on.

In hypnotherapy, we discovered that she and her husband had agreed to discuss their future only after she completed her PhD. Without realizing it consciously, she associated finishing her dissertation with the potential end of her marriage. Her subconscious mind was holding her back, creating all these obstacles to “protect” her from what might come next. Once we identified and addressed this subconscious block, she moved forward with her dissertation more easily.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Here are a few additional questions to help you uncover if a subconscious block might be affecting you:

  • Do I keep setting goals in this area but rarely follow through?

  • Do I find myself coming up with excuses, even when I know they aren’t true?

  • Is there a sense of anxiety or resistance when I think about taking steps forward?

  • Do I “conveniently” forget important actions that would lead me to my goal?

Asking these questions helps you dig a bit deeper into any blocks that might be lurking beneath the surface.

Taking the Next Step

If you’ve read through these examples and recognized familiar patterns, it may be a sign that your subconscious mind is influencing your outcomes more than you realize. If you’re interested in exploring this further, Book a free consultation and let's get that block out of the way!

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